Bellwether Landscape Architecture is the partnership of Missy Madden and Todd Yeager. Both graduates of the University of Georgia, both registered Landscape Architects, and both with extensive experience in their field. They have their roots in traditional garden and landscape design but give it a fresh look.
One of Bellwether's projects was featured in the current issue of Garden and Gun Magazine which I have attached for your reading pleasure. The article has already created some buzz for their business.
Today we worked on some marketing materials for their upcoming recruiting meetings at UGA and it was a lot of fun going through the different sketches and beautifully illustrated landscape plans. I got permission to show you a few.
Maybe it is the lack of leaves on my trees but these are very uplifting to me.
I have always had a real admiration and respect for architectural drawings and other illustrations, not to mention the artists who create them. I thought of one very notable illustrator on my ride home today, Jeremiah Goodman, creator of beautiful interior illustrations, I snatched these from his site.
This is a beautiful book.
On that note, I will sign off, I hope everyone had an enjoyable Monday like me.