Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Suggested Reading

 I have a book recommendation for you all if you are interested in Atlanta's history, "Formula For Fortune" by Ann Uhry Abrams, about the historic Candler family of Atlanta and how they made and spent their fortune.

I am not an Atlanta native so there was a lot in the book I was completely unaware of or unfamiliar with.  You don't have to be a history buff to enjoy the book, it has murder, law suits and infidelities, but most importantly, you will recognize many names and places and hopefully it will encourage you to go visit the landmarks created by this family.
I had previously read "The House The Rockefellers Built" by Robert F. Dalzell and Lee Baldwin Dalzell which describes the architectural journey of Kykuit, the famous Rockefeller home in the Hudson Valley and "Fortune's Children" by Arthur T. Vanderbilt II which spends a lot of time recounting their architectural extravagances.  Little did I know, the Candlers rivaled these families in their spending.  Where Nelson Rockefeller spent his money on art, Asa "Buddy" Candler spent his money on animals for his own private zoo.  A family tree would be helpful throughout both of these books as the family names are re-purposed in a different order and different combinations from generation to generation. 
I highly recommend it!!!  I think you will also enjoy the other books I mentioned so check them out and let me know what you think.  Please send me any recommendations you have.


Happy reading!

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